


It’s a moving crowd, With a wavy motion.

Screeching’s boot, Discords uncouth.

A hooligan’s game, Turning humans insane.

Boisterous laughter, shriek, Is every human’s reach.

The earth is unearthed, In me full of mirth.

A noisy wavy motion, A wild hooting mob.

( A poem from ‘Serenading Poems Part One)

stale speech


Repetitive insertion of thoughts, Words, bitter and wrought, Smitten, swerved and rambled, The motto often gambled, Gone is the pick of novelty, With the idea of literacy.

Is it worthwhile to hear The same speech every year? Speak, they must! Shrill speeches poured into Brains to laugh in levity, It crawls into anonymity.

A poem from ‘Serenading Poems Part One’

democracy hung


When criminals stand for election, Democracy needs an ejection. It takes the road to bane, When people are no more sane. Yearly election, yearly row, Pinches the economy early low. Citizens are sent for duty, Hung for votes is democracy. Ugly clamor for gearing votes, Nation on a descending note. Nothing puts an end to crime, Citizens live in grimy slime. But democracy is for citizens, Who are...

refracted love


Hello! Good tidings to you. After a series of poems, I have come with a video of a poem which attempts to define love. When love is refracted, It falls, gravely fractured, It is mounted on a stretcher, And placed in religious strictures, The eagle views the heart, Love muses with the tart, Love is but an attraction, A nude selfish concoction. Love is bound by biology, Love is bound by community...

session or aggression


Shouts and screams rent the air, A crowd of matured minds flare, Questions and doubts shoot the air, Causing commotion and confusion. The anchor resorts to regulation, Mellow, matured minds in discussion, Is it a session or aggression? The speaker is an awkward teacher, Faced by an agitated ranter, Anger, ego speaks through minds, Not meant for disciplined kind, Is this a development of democracy...



A chronic note is in the air, The constitution has set it fair, The unjust for centuries done, It has cut off the slaving sun. Freedom has risen to brightness, Progress has moved with steadiness, Fundamental rights in the constitution, Don’t bar anyone from restitution. Religion, caste, creed and language, Live together as glorious baggage, I hail the constitution for its thought, Not the...

it’s her way


Going through the tide, Allows herself to glide Into the strictures of society, Practising homogenous vanity, Her mental strength authored, Practical view which slaughtered, Independence of self, attractive, Her way though not retractive, She gets herself a catch, A husband who is a match.

It’s her own way, To get life going gay.

A poem from ‘Serenading Poems Part One’

video of the poem, ‘flame’


Hello! Good luck to you all. I am presenting a video of a poem from ‘Serenading Poems Part One’ The title of the poem is ‘Flame’ A match-stick lighted a wick, A flame on it grew thick, My hand by accident flipped, The flame at the end tripped, Flame into my body would grow, Had the flip been slow, My mind was alarmed, By a tragedy unarmed, Too strange was it, When it got...

video of the poem, ‘the womb’s grief’


Hello! My respect to all mothers of the world who are the abode of comfort and love. The title of the poem is ‘ The Womb’s Grief’ A mother is a state of being, Affection in her blood of making, She lives, bears, nurses in love The child she raises like dove, Her happy smiles reflect, Her love laid in perfect, She is a flood of emotion, Revels the wonder of creation. The death of...

sting me not


Hello! Wishing you all that is good. I am here with a video of a poem. The title of the poem is ‘Sting Me Not’ Life! sting me not with bites, I have suffered many nights, When will your trial end? When will you be a friend? Do not tear me with spite, For I am as frail as a kite, If you lead me, I will be grateful, When you for me will be fruitful, I will treat you on good terms, If...

Usha Raman