AuthorUsha Raman

published poems of serenading poems part one- ‘whereto’


A train journey is the journey of life. The journey of life has a destination, waiting. ‘Whereto’ In semblance a chain, Is moving the train, With its inside clustered, Leaving many bewildered. The crust so irregular and heavy, Craggy, fumy and snowy, The time changed, To moments engrained. The zigzag move thrilling, With the hillocks retreating, The gliding move flitting, To challenge...

last video on ‘ripples roping memories’


Hello! Wishing you all a happy new year. This is the last video on ‘Ripples Roping Memories’ Back home, Rani spends her time with her maternal cousins. She goes to Bhima park, plays cricket and watches beauty of the wild forest. Monaco circus have pitched their tent in Pehrauli. Rani, her brothers and sisters and Karnesh buy tickets and enter the circus tent. Western music is...

video on the middle of chapter nine of ‘ripples roping memories’


Hello! Wishing you all a happy vacation. A video on the middle of chapter nine of ‘Ripples Roping Memories’ is presented by me. Rani returns home. Dad comes to receive her at the station. On the day of exam, Rani remains cool. Hari, as usual sells her text books. Rani pays money to get her text books from Chitragaon Book Depot. The exam center is at Vanavli. There is tight security...

video on the beginning of chapter nine of ‘ripples roping memories’


Hello everybody! Best of wishes for the Christmas season. Here is a video on the beginning of chapter nine of ‘Ripples Roping Memories’. Rani prepares for High School Board Examination with renewed vigor. The house is in a cluttered state. She reads for the exam pacing the room and the balcony. She stamps or kicks things which come in her way. Hari pilfers her text books and sells it...

video on the end of chapter eight of ripples roping memories.


Hello, we will all get into the Christmas mood very soon! A video on the end of chapter eight of ‘Ripples Roping Memories’ is presented. There is the Oswal family. Father is a businessman. The family has many kids, six sons and a daughter. Mrs. Oswal is always in ‘ghungat’ or veil. Next to the Oswal family is Mr. Sarawate’s joint family. Mr. Sarawate has two sons and...

video on chapter eight of ‘ripples roping memories’


Hello! Enjoy the winter season. This is a video on chapter eight of ‘Ripples Roping Memories’. The festival of Gokulashtami is on. Mom prepares cheedai akin to cheeselets, murukku and sweets. It is night. Mom has drawn footprints of Lord Krishna using rice batter but Hari is not to be found anywhere in the house. It is raining heavily. Rani fears the torrential rain. She prays to God...

video on the end of chapter seven and the beginning of chapter eight of ripples roping memories


Hello, Wishing you all a fabulous day! Here is a video on the end of chapter seven and the beginning of chapter eight of ‘Ripples Roping Memories’. A year passes after the demise of Bimala ajji. Yearly shrardam ( A ceremonial offering to an ancestor) is performed at home. Aunt Ragini grinds lentils to make salty doughnuts or wadas. Brahmins must be fed as per the custom. The priests...

a video on chapter seven of ripples roping memories.


Hullo! wishing you all a bright day of sunshine. I am here with a video on chapter seven of ‘Ripples Roping Memories’. Rani’s mom dresses her up in a white saree. She looks at Rani and smiles. Rani goes to her aunt’s house at Ketannagar in Chitragaon for spending her vacation. She has high fever. She is thirsty and asks for water to drink during the night. She feels almost...

third video on chapter seven of ripples roping memories.


Hullo! have a great time, all of you. Here is the third video on chapter seven of ‘Ripples Roping Memories’ Dad does not accompany his family on a trip to Thepi. Rani does not like Revathi’s behavior during train journey to Thepi. The family has railway pass and is seated in A.C. chair car. Mom has prepared sandwiches and many other eatables for the train journey. Before leaving...

A video on chapter seven of ripples roping memories


Hullo! wishing you all a happy festive season. Here is another video on chapter seven of ‘Ripples Roping Memories’. Mom goes for shopping. The kids are a nuisance. She cannot keep them at home because they are mischievous. While walking on the road, one kid runs off leaving her hand and the other kid starts crying. Rani walks off indifferently to show that she does not belong to the...

Usha Raman