AuthorUsha Raman

Nectar of Life


Let flowers blossom, fruits ripen, For life is a gigantic canvas, Spectacles at various perspectives, Where everything is luminious, Transforming into joyful sunshine, Joy ripened into splendour, Mind matured into blossoms. Whole of humanity is in queue, To taste the nectar of life, Human minds discover anew, The honey accessible to a few, Unless ones mental feature tops, One cannot have the...



What can be the print of time? Is it yours and mine? Is it park and wine? Is it work and pine? Is it name or fame Or an intelligent game? Is it entrance and exit Of a term deposit? You say, Time is manifested in action, Rolling into chain of reaction, Time is a linear chain, Causing our feelings to wane, Time is a must, Which we must trust, Time is a criterion, Of ups and downs. I say, Fighting...

About the Author (Usha raman)


Life is a grand travel, where mysteries unravel The secret and the purpose of human life is often hidden unless one discovers it oneself. I am a retired college teacher having varied interests and in this blog I would like to share some of my life experiences and the inner struggles in the form of articles and poems that helped me transcend my personal limitations and helped me to open up larger...

Usha Raman