a video on the beginning of Chapter two of ‘ripples roping memories’


Wishing you all a happy weekend!

Frightened, children wade through flood water under the Kelami bridge in Pehrauli. Whirlpools are formed by swirling water under the bridge. Water seems to roar angrily. Ammi directs children to cross railway lines but some children are attracted by swirling water. Gahanna stands on the concrete wall, watching. Suddenly, Gahanna sees Alifiya slip and fall and she is carried away by the strong current of flood water. Ammi goes to seek help from the people. People from nearby gather. Commotion continues and rescue operation begins. Rani stands on the concrete wall, watching. She is dumfounded, devoid of feeling. She spots someone swimming through flood water and Alifiya is brought out of water, unconscious. She is rushed to a nearby house and treated. Clogged water in her stomach and lungs is removed. She regains her consciousness and Rani is happy to see her friend alive.

Rani’s mother is pregnant. Dad takes care of the pregnant mother who goes to Sompur for delivery. Mother delivers a bonny baby boy. The new babe is named as Hari. He is a bonny toddler who is active and restless. He receives attention because he is a boy and Rani gets attention because she is sick. Mother gives protein biscuit to Hari but dissuades Rani from having it because of weak digestion. Rani cannot tolerate cigarette smell. She gets a smothering sensation in her breath. Kneeling in a namaz position gives her immense relief during severe wheezing. One night wheezing takes a serious turn. Her head aches. She hears the sound of horses hoofs proceeding towards her. She is going to die in a stampede. There are soldiers in red uniforms. Fear grips her and she wails during midnight. Her mother wakes up and bakes some thyme seeds and foments her chest.

Video is available on You Tube by typing, ‘Ripples Roping Memories’

About the author

Usha Raman

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By Usha Raman

Usha Raman