First video on my fiction ‘Ripples roping memories’


Hi! I hope you will be able to enjoy a fiction of mine, ‘Ripples Roping Memories’

Depletion of forests and greenery is on. Forests and land in the bygone era causes ripples in the mind of Rani who was a resident of Vanavli in Sagarpur. The story ‘Ripples Roping Memories’ is narrated in present tense. Any resemblance to the story, places and characters is a matter of coincidence.

Vanavli is a small place in Sagarpur near the coast. Rani digs a spot in front of her house and fixes the root of a sapling with mud on all sides. The bizarre wind blows and her sapling falls. She fixes the sapling again, fortifying it with stones on all sides. Wild wind blows and it falls again. As a child, Rani does not understand that life is not stable. Her misery soars when she sees her house being emptied. Fear of losing her playmates grips her when her mother tells her that the family is moving to Siddesh society, flat no. 21, seventh road, Siddharthnagar, Vanavli. Her aunt lives near Siddharthnagar and wants her baby to be looked after by Rani’s family. Rani does not like the new house. She continues her schooling in Paramount High School. She walks alone to school. Previously, she walked with her school friends with the lively Ammi. The seventh lane of Siddarthnagar ends up in Neel Dongri, an elevated land which is crammed by human settlements and cowsheds. While passing by, one can get the adour of cowdung. Bhaiyyas, men from North India sit on coir cots, known as katiyas in Hindi during twilight talking Hindi in their typical accent.

Video is available on You tube by typing the title of the fiction, ‘Ripples Roping Memories’


About the author

Usha Raman

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By Usha Raman

Usha Raman