Video of the poem ‘soul of seven’


Hello! Wishing you all a very happy new year 2025. Here is the last video of a poem from ‘Serenading Poems Part One’ The title of the poem is ‘Soul of Seven’

Seven are the musical notes, Which gladden my throat, Sounds vibrate my lungs, Into the feelings I run.

Seven is the mystique, Which opens my boutique, Of pleasures and privations, I travel through vibrations.

Sounds excite my mind, Into the space I hang, To view the heart I own, I have no cause to groan.

Music is the soul of seven, Riding into the peace of heaven.

This is the poem, copyrighted @ 2022. I hope you have enjoyed listening. Thank you, goodbye!

Seven are the

About the author

Usha Raman

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By Usha Raman

Usha Raman