video on beginning of chapter seven of ripples roping memories


Hullo! I make a beginning of chapter seven by presenting a video on ‘Ripples Roping Memories’

Tradition has laid down a prefect that daughters must get married and go to another house or family. Rani realizes that her parents will disown her one day. She pities her sisters who are not as sensitive as she is. Mother is burdened by the thought that she must get her daughters married. She thinks girls are damned. An astrologer tells her that her girls would have been boys but the entry of the moon into their rashis (Zodiacs) converted them into girls. Dad on the other hand thinks that his children are gems. Mother says, ‘ Your kids are worthless. Daughters must learn household work. You have given the boys a lot of freedom.’ Father thinks trying to convince mother is of no use because she cannot understand anything. Rani regards marriage as a bitter potion.

Picchu uncle lives with Rani’s family. He gifts Rani a Geometry instrument box. Next day Rani’s parents go to a theatre to watch a Hindi film. Mohan is fast asleep on bed. Suddenly uncle takes Rani into the kitchen. The sudden impulsive gesture makes Rani think. What has uncle got to do in the kitchen? Fortunately Rani reads the look in his eyes. She is aware that uncle is up to some mischief. She yells. Her shrill voice awakens Mohan and uncle leaves the house immediately. Rani reports to her mother all that has happened. Mother reports it to the father. Mother rails at Picchu uncle, abuses him and ousts him out of the house. Picchu uncle tells other members of the family that Rani is perverted. Rani learns that certain males are not trustworthy even if they happen to be fathers or saints.

Aunt Janaki makes frequent visits to Rani’s house. During one of her visits, she lays a condition that if Rani scores good rank in Eighth grade she will present her a beautiful dress. Rani scores good rank in her class. Aunt Janaki fulfills her promise by presenting her a biscuit designed cream color dress from Abita mills. She becomes a catalyst in Rani’s academic achievement.

Rani’s mother pampers her by not allowing her to do any household work. She allows her to study. Younger brother Mohan is jealous of Rani and tries to beat Rani. When Rani is in Sixth grade, she reads a Marathi lesson. A line she reads, amuses Mohan. ‘Raja bhikhari, Raja bhikari maji topi gehetli, maji topi ghetli…..’ Mohan stands in one place and shakes his head and body daintily. Rani is pleased to see him. Sometimes Mohan stands behind her, jumps on her back and catches her neck from behind. Rani does not like it. She removes his hands from her neck and drops him down. Mohan has a weak digestive system. Mother has to clean the toilet every time he defecates. Mohan, in one of his moods cuts his front hair with scissors. It is an unven cut which makes him look like a cartoon. Remembering the incident of goat’s droppings, mom laughs and comments, ‘ Oh no, you have not cut your hair. I suppose the goat was hungry. It ate your hair taking it for leaves.’

Mr. Karthik from Chitragaon has given dad a loan of thousand rupees. He does not like dad because he smokes. Mr. Kartik works for Brebett and Co in Chitragaon. He resents that dad has money to smoke but has no money to pay back his loan. Whenever Rani visits Chitragaon, uncle Kartik reminds her that her dad must pay back the loan. Dad helps Mr. Kartik by planting trees and watering his garden. He teaches cousin Rajendra some English grammar.

Cousins in Chitragaon listen to Tamil songs from Radio Lankeshwar. Rani likes a particular song. The song goes like this. ‘Oh oh………… Vantha naal muthal, Inda naal varai, vanam maravilai, Van madhiyum, meenam kadal kathum, Malharum manum kodiyum polayum, nadiyum maravilai, Manithan maarivithan… oh…….. ‘

Thank you for listening. We meet again for the next video. Goodbye till then.

( Video can be viewed on You tube by typing ‘Ripples Roping Memories’)

About the author

Usha Raman

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By Usha Raman

Usha Raman