A video on the end of chapter one of my fiction.


Happy days to you all!

It is wonderful to watch men from Vanita Steels play volley ball in the evening during weekends. They appear to be tough and full of energy. They are immigrants from all over India and are friends of Rani’s father. Veer Singh and Prem Singh are close friends of Rani’s father. Father takes part in wrestling matches known as ‘kusti’ in Hindi. During one of the wrestling matches father plucks the ear pinna of an opponent.

There is no paucity of milk. Tomatoes, mangoes and vegetables of all kinds are in plenty. Rani’s mother makes tasty tomato jam. Rani’s father tries a hand in business but it does not click since he does not know to make profit out of dealings.

Alifiya and Rani play skipping over ropes. Alifiya takes her turn to skip over ropes and after sometime hands over the rope to Rani who skips over rope five to six times. Suddenly, she feels giddy and everything turns dark for her. She is not able to see or hear anything. Alifiya holds Rani’s hand and manages to reach her to her house. Rani’s father, Shiva takes her to the hospital built during the British times. Railway doctors work in shifts. Doctor prescribes Shark oil, vitamin tablets and calcium for Rani. She suffers from wheezing. Loud stertorous sound of breathing is heard. She has pain in her chest. Rani has respect for doctors for they can cure patients with medicines.

( Can access the fourth video on You tube by typing ‘Ripples Roping Memories’

About the author

Usha Raman

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By Usha Raman

Usha Raman