mental mortuary


There is a sudden squeal,
Devouring a scattered meal,
Pricks and pangs inflicted,
A member is always indicted,
It is an uncontrolled sodomy,
A fertile ground for villainy,
It is an abattoir for a soul,
Meditating on a fixed goal

  Splurging is divine,
  No room to whine,  
  Foolishness is ardently revered,
  Wisdom is vehemently scoffed,
  Calmness is religiously absent,
  Minds of members always upset,
  Death is voiced for hosts,
  Vacillating minds are its ghosts.

  Good home is a balm for the sore,
  Bad home is painful to the core,
  I hope for an estrangement,
  To take me for development,
  Or be doomed in a mental mortuary
  Which needs a spiritual surgery.

(A good home is necessary for spiritual development.  In the same way, a peaceful world fosters progress of all kinds.)

About the author

Usha Raman

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By Usha Raman

Usha Raman