our nation


For many years our nation strived,
To achieve and attain in its stride,
Material development sans the spiritual,
Our vain political ritual,
Tangled in a web of confusion,
Corruption has no inhibition,
Rare opportunities for talent new,
Laws framed for select few,
Terrorism and hedonism thrive,
In a nation which strived.

One feels sorry to see its state,
States fighting for their cakes,
It suffers from several wounds
Which are difficult to find soon,
Brain drain causes a strain,
On a nation breeding humans in crores,
National task is a sore for selfish souls,
The nation is at fate’s mercy.
People will discover it hopefully,
It is nation they live for.

( People have an intrinsic role to play in the development of the nation.)

About the author

Usha Raman

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By Usha Raman

Usha Raman