a lame lecture


You pound my brain with your sound,
Fluctuating tone of rise and fall,
Conveys that you need to recall,
Words, meaningless, unknown,
Shrivelled in senses, unkind
Pour out of your fermented mind,
What a good lecture it would have been
If your knowledge had a stream?

You trained your brain to memorise notes,
Laid in the barren desert of no hope,
Infertile is your mind,
Your logic is parched and blind,
You, a teacher has got,
No room for original thought.
Your monomial sound trails,
Into silence like a slowing snail,
Teacher , will you mend your ways
To make the lecture have a real say?

( Sometimes, a lecture is not interesting, because it is not delivered in an interesting way)

About the author

Usha Raman

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By Usha Raman

Usha Raman