What can be the print of time?
Is it yours and mine?
Is it park and wine?
Is it work and pine?
Is it name or fame
Or an intelligent game?
Is it entrance and exit
Of a term deposit?

You say,
                Time is manifested in action,
                Rolling into chain of reaction,
                Time is a linear chain,
                Causing our feelings to wane,

                Time is a must,
                Which we must trust,
                Time is a criterion,
                Of ups and downs.

I say,
                Fighting time is brawl,
                Delightful time is pleasure,
                Dreamless time is sleep,
                Food in time is energy,
                Timeless wealth is nature,
                Time is an uncertain thrill,
                Time is nature's sculpted will.

(From my book 'Drifting Emotions and Flowering Thoughts' published by Partridge India)


About the author

Usha Raman


  • Wonderful interpretation of time in different situations and occasions. Also that time is fated and doesn’t wait according to our will caught my eye.

  • So beautifully written. I truely appreciate this one. I understand it takes a lot of skills for such amazing writings.

By Usha Raman

Usha Raman